Community, Not Commodity
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Sunset paints the docks and crab shanties of Tylerton on Smith Island. The village's population of 32 is down two thirds since 1994. Digital image, 2018
Dead but still standing, these loblolly pines are victims of rising tides and salt incursion in this lower Dorchester County marsh. Scientists predict that nearly half of the county could be underwater by the end of the century.
Upper Potomac Riverkeeper Brent Walls stands in the North Branch of the Potomac at the wastewater outfall for the Luke, Md., paper mill. The mill has since closed. Digital image, 2016
I.T. Todd steams crabs 30 bushels at a time at MeTompkin Seafood in Crisfield. Todd, who owned and operated the seafood packing business for many years, was among the last babies born on Holland Island—in 1918—before it was abandoned due to erosion. Kodachrome original, 1988